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Definition of Molineo

Word that comes from a mill and that can be associated with the act of grinding a grain or using a mill.

dominican republic

In popular usage, it designates the act of getting high with molly, better known as “ecstasy” or MDMA.


  1. Grind
  2. Crush

dominican republic

  1. Get high
  2. To smoke


dominican republic

The mill is a word that is part of street culture. People who practice it, commonly ingest the drug in capsules or tablets orally. In this way, they alter their sensory, temporal and emotional perception. For this reason, this term is directly associated with the use of this drug.

The drug known as molly is commonly used by teens and young adults who go to parties, clubs, or concerts to stay “happy” or “active.” Furthermore, the use of these stimulants is promoted by urban music and modern movements.

It is presumed that its origin took place in the frequent use of urban speech, product of the adaptation to Spanish of the English word molly. This, due to the fact that, for the most part, foreign words tend to be Spanishized with the suffix -ear, which indicates action or cause.


The term molineo has become popular in Caribbean countries, mainly in the Dominican Republic, thanks to the song “Teteo Remix” by El Fecho RD X You R.