Revogar is a word from Portuguese that translated into Spanish, means “revoke”.
Its etymology is of Latin origin, which means: go back, cancel retract. When separating the word we find the prefix “re” that in none of the variations of the word changes, and this expresses retrogression or return.
The verb “voco” or “vocare” indicates meeting, quote, call. So the union of both terminologies expresses the call to a meeting to cancel something.
Revoke refers to the fact of canceling a mandate or action. Among its synonyms is: dissolve, invalidate, abolish, withdraw.
On the other hand, the antonyms of “revogar” or what is the same “revocar” (in Spanish) include words such as: approve, validate, confirm, certify.
In addition, in labor issues of construction or masonry, this term is used to define the action of repairing or restoring the walls of a dwelling, work or building. Usually, they are the exteriors of the same.
Revocation referendum
It is a method that allows citizens to remove an elected official from power , such as a president, mayor, governor, or some other official that the inhabitants of a country or region want to remove from office.
It is worth mentioning that, each geographic space in the world, they proceed to carry out a referendum in a different way, although the usual thing is to collect signatures or run a direct vote.
Access revocation
This implies that permissions to enter their user account can be eliminated or stopped from accessing an individual, that is to say, in this area they talk about the digital area.
Revoke access to social networks, revocation of access to company profile or revocation of access in bank accounts.