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Definition of Tekis

Tekis is a term that comes from the Quechua language and means “sound.”

This term is widely used in the folklore of Andean countries in South America, especially in Bolivia and Peru, to refer to musical instruments that produce high-pitched and melodious sounds, such as quenas, charangos, and zampoñas.


The term Tekis is synonymous with other terms used in Andean countries to refer to musical instruments, such as Sikus, Antaras, and Pinquillos. All of these terms have in common the fact that they refer to wind instruments that produce high-pitched sounds and are used in Andean music.


The origin of the term Tekis dates back to pre-Hispanic times when Andean peoples used wind instruments to communicate over long distances.

These instruments were used to transmit signals of war or to communicate important messages between different communities.

With the arrival of the Spanish to America, these instruments fused with European instruments, such as the guitar and violin, giving rise to modern Andean music, which is a mix of traditional and modern rhythms and sounds.


  • In Andean culture, musical instruments have a sacred value and are attributed with the ability to connect us with nature and with the gods.
  • Wind instruments such as quenas and zampoñas are very popular in Andean music and are used in a variety of rhythms, from Saya and Huayno to Cueca and Chacarera.
  • In Bolivia, there is a festival called “El Gran Poder,” in which a large procession takes place carrying various musical instruments, including quenas and zampoñas.
  • Andean music has had a great influence on Latin American music and has been interpreted by musicians from all over the world, such as the Argentine Atahualpa Yupanqui and the Peruvian Julio César Paredes.
  • Currently, there are groups and bands dedicated to interpreting Andean music, both in a traditional way and by fusing modern rhythms with the traditional sounds of wind instruments.