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Definition of Chaquetón

A masculine noun to define a broad, thick garment of clothing, usually with long sleeves, covering the body up to mid-thigh. It is open at the front and worn over other garments to protect the body from the cold, larger in size and a little longer than the normal jacket.

To make a jacket means in some Latin American countries to masturbate.

SYNONYMS FOR chaquetón

  1. Levita, casaca, americana, abrigo, capote, pelliza
  2. Masturbarse….

ORIGIN OF chaquetón

The word jacket seems to come from the French jaquette which is in turn meaning long jacket, or better known as americana, this sound replaced in common parlance by ‘veste’ (from Latin vestis) which was used for the designation of what in Spanish means a ‘blazer’.

It is very likely that in the past the word ‘chaira’ (a curved blade used by shoemakers) was used to refer to masturbation and as time went by the word ‘jacket’ began to be used as a sort of euphemism until it became a vulgar designation.


Not having a sound in Spanish equivalent to the French J, it was integrated into the phonetic system through the CHE, a consonant not so far from articulation.

Apart from being an article of clothing to cover oneself from the cold. Many Latin Americans use the word ‘chaquetón’ as a synonym for masturbation.

It is also called this way to the action of cutting the cartridges in a firearm, such as the shotgun, this movement is called jacket, and for this reason and in a figurative sense is also referred to masturbation as it simulates the same movement.