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Definition of Cognoscente

A being is cognizant when it has the ability to know or know, that is, it is a rational and thinking being. 

By extension it refers generically to the human being who innately possesses the quality of being cognizant, since, through his nature, he performs the act of processing and transforming information.


  1. Learn
  2. To study
  3. To know
  4. Know
  5. To reason


  1. To ignore
  2. Inability to reason
  3. Ignore


Cognoscente comes from the Latin term cognocere which means “to know.” It applies directly to the ability of human beings to reason and know their environment and their own being. Given its connotation, this word is closely related to philosophy, more specifically metaphysics and epistemology.

For its part, Metaphysics is the branch of philosophy that studies the nature and fundamental principles of the reality that we perceive. While, epistemology is responsible for the study of scientific knowledge, its nature, scope and other characteristics.


The status of the knowing being throughout history has been the subject of debate among various philosophical ideologies.

Some of the most prominent philosophers who have touched on this issue have been:

Plato, in his allegory to the cave where he states that human beings only perceive the shadows of reality.

Immanuel Kant, who argues that the human being does not know an absolute truth, but the phenomenon of it.

Ernst von Glasersfeld, who establishes that the subject is the author and generator of its own reality.