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Definition of Emoji

Transliteration adopted in Spanish of the Japanese words 絵 and 文字that sequentially mean “drawing” and “symbol”. In other words, they designate a drawing that appears as a symbol or sign of something.

It is a drawing or symbol that is used to represent emotions, thoughts and ideas. They are used mainly on the internet, with social networks being their main means of distribution and use.


The word emoji derives from the transliteration of two Japanese terms 絵 (e) which means “drawing” and 文字 (moji) which is “character” or “symbol”. In this sense, it designates those symbols that are used to express different ideas and emotions.

The first emoji pack was released in 1999 in Japan. Originally, about 180 of these symbols were created so that the Japanese could communicate the most common expressions. However, it is in 2010 that the global expansion of these signs occurs and they are increasingly varied today.


The first emoji is thought to have been the heart emoji and was used in 1995 on a Japanese messaging service called Pocket Bell. It is necessary to clarify that this information is not fully confirmed.

While an emoji is a small color drawing with a Unicode value, emoticons are formed from the combination of punctuation marks, letters, numbers and are usually read from left to right. In essence, their goal is the same but their appearance and composition are different.

The movie “Emoji” is a children’s film from 2017 that focuses its plot on the prominence of these symbols in daily life, especially that of a teenage boy. It was directed by Tony Leondis and premiered on July 28 of that year in Canada.