Benignity in English, the quality of being benign, a kindly, well-meaning attitude, lacking malice or severity.
The meaning of the Hebrew word “hafak” is used in the bible as a translation of mullirás, which literally means to turn or change.
Ley Marcial
(Martial Law in English) is a term to designate a regime of exception through which power is ceded to military institutions in order to counteract extreme scenarios such as wars or rebellions. In such contexts, civil rights are greatly diminished.
Color Rojo
Rojo (Red in English) is a color of the primary group. Several varieties of secondary colors can arise by mixing it with other shades. It is a color that transmits intense emotions such as passion, love, energy, power or heat.
The word agarre is very versatile as it has several meanings in different contexts.
It is possible to summarize it as the action or act of grasping, taking, catching, holding or firmly grasping something with a limb or part of the body, generally with the hands.
This word is an adjective that has its origin in the transitive active verb: “afrentar” and in the suffix “oso”, which refers to abundance or relative abundance. In its etymology it is composed of the prefix “a” from the Latin “ad” which means proximity, from the noun “frente”
The word arrecho refers primarily to one who feels or has a tendency to feel great sexual arousal.
It is the popular place in the neighborhoods of the Dominican Republic where the poor and lower middle class people make basic purchases of some products of daily consumption.
As far as the regeeaton genre is concerned, the word “yal”, is a term used to refer to a girl or a girl who likes to perreo.
Carajito is used to refer to a small child. It is also often used to refer to a person, useless, or immature.
Atracar is a word with a somewhat confusing etymology, but apparently it is of Arabic origin, and it is defined as a verb, being a polysemic word, that is to say, it has several meanings.
The word bolsa comes from the Latin bursa. It is said that its name is linked to the Meson Van der Bürse, a place where merchants met in Bruges (Belgium) to discuss mercantile matters.