It is a social science term that refers to the fact that a woman looks for a suitor or partner in a man whose social position is superior.
That is to say, her priority would no longer be emotions or physical traits, but rather the economic status and social valuation of the man with whom she is going to marry.
- Trade
- Inequality
- Marriage
- Unequal couple
- Interested
ORIGIN OF Hipergamia
The word hypergamy is curiously Anglo-Saxon and comes from the Hindu culture, its use began when the Hindu laws for marriage were translated into English.
In the English language the term that would be used is “marry up” and means to look for a man whose qualities, either economic or social class, are as high as those of the woman or, failing that, are powerful enough to keep her.
The term was used many years ago, when gender inequality was more pronounced and it was believed that women were only good for marriage to a man who could provide for them and satisfy all their physical needs for food and shelter.
Nowadays, the term hypergamy would be pejorative towards the feminine gender, since little by little women have achieved that society takes them into account and that they are valued as people capable of working in any field.
With the feminist movement, it is now more important for women to be independent in themselves, to be able to produce the necessary amount of money to support their tastes and needs.
Hypergamy, moreover, would be seen from a self-interested point of view as sugar daddy or sugar mommy, terms that refer to women and men looking for a partner to support them financially.