‘La Casa’ is an animated series made in stop motion that has three stories, which are interconnected by the house itself. It is its dark tone, terrifying scenes and well-crafted denouements that spark interest among Netflix subscribers.
It premiered on Netflix in 2022 and is a co-production between the United States in collaboration with the United Kingdom and its directors Marc James Roels and Emma de Swaef.
Roels explains that “in coming up with such a story, what was most inspiring was that we were watching a lot of people, both friends of ours and ourselves, think a lot about real estate and how houses are becoming very expensive.”
He indicates that “many people manage to buy houses and they become something very much tied to their sense of identity, as they become part of their status. It becomes so important to people that they lose themselves in it.”
“At the time of writing the story, for us, the house is for the characters at least a signifier, something that gives them status, something that they want to connect with themselves and thus get respect from the outside world, and in that way find happiness but, it never comes. Well, that’s not the way to get it,” said Roels.
It is a production made entirely in stop motion that delves into social criticism and exposes the obsession that exists for material goods.
Its voice cast includes Helena Bonham Carter, Mia Goth and Matthew Goode.
The sinister tone of the film is compared to the poems of Edgar Allan Poe.
The animation style is reminiscent of Jiri Trnka, Cegavske or Ladislas Starewitch.
It is a Netflix original production and one of the first released in 2022 worldwide.