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No Healthy Upstream

Definition of No Healthy Upstream

Literally translated from the English language it is “unhealthy upstream” or “unhealthy upstream.” It is used to determine a software error that is preventing the operation of a certain application.

Unhealthy patch shipping in terms of Software scheduling.


The phrase No Healthy Upstream was born as a software error that prevents the operation of a certain application. In the Spanish language this term does not seem to have a clear or logical meaning, but in the world of Software it is where it takes on a great meaning.

In terms of software development, Upstream is defined as the action of sending a patch or package to the administrator (s) to be integrated into the source code of that software.

In this way the meaning of not healthy upstream would be “Unhealthy patch shipment” making the term make much more sense.


The not healthy upstream error is a kind of problem that usually appears when a program receives updates and something goes wrong.

This error usually manifests itself in various ways, but the most common is when it is directed to a blank page with the text written “not healthy upstream” and everything else completely empty.

This error has appeared on different web pages and applications, one of its most notable appearances has been on the Ebay shopping site.