A podcast belongs to a series of audio content that can be listened to on demand from a digital or online platform, at any time and from anywhere.
It is an audio content, available through a file or streaming. The advantage of the podcast is that it is an on-demand format; the user listens to it when he/she wants to. It can be listened to on a variety of devices and this has helped to increase its popularity.
- Webinar
- Broadcast
- Audio
- Audio file
- Audio program
The creation of the podcast dates back to 2004. At that time it was simply a technological innovation that made it easier for radio stations to broadcast their programs on a delayed basis. Stations could post podcasts on the Internet and listeners could download them at their convenience.
The word “podcast”, invented by Guardian journalist Ben Hammersley, is a contraction of “iPod” (the portable player created by the U.S. company Apple that allowed users to download audio files) and “broadcast” (broadcasting), and it accurately reflected both characteristics.
A podcast is a digital radio recording that is available whenever the listener wants it. In most cases, they have one or more presenters who speak or discuss a given topic.
However, the term podcast is not limited to audio format only, but can also be used for video recordings and discussions. The only requirement for listening to a podcast is to have a device on which it can be stored and played back.
Podcast variants according to their playback can be audio, video, enhanced or screencasts, the latter being a digital recording of the computer screen, also known as a video screen capture with audio narration.