Calypso is an English word that translates into Spanish as “calipso”. Mainly, it is used to designate an Afro-Caribbean musical genre and originates from the Nigerian term kaiso which means “to hide”. The reference to the meaning of the …
This term was born in the urban contexts of the Dominican Republic. There is no clear term of origin. However, the closest word is uprach from the Polish language which means “to touch” in Spanish.
The word Anjá is not registered in any dictionary, so here at The Wan Shi Tong Library, we will tell you exactly what anja Leer mas
Barraco comes from the word berraco or boar. From this perspective, it is a derivation of the Latin verresthat was used to designate a father pig. Together with “berraco” they are terms of great use to designate someone who is very brave.
Chambea comes from the old Portuguese word chamba which means “leg” or “rude”. It is not known exactly how the meaning was adapted, however, since 2014 the verb chambear is officially accepted in Spanish as a synonym for …
Anda pal carajo
To understand this expression, we must first know what “carajo” means, this being one of the most used words by Latinos, although Leer mas
Abocarriba is to be with the mouth up, in the supine position, lying down. Get on abocarriba to put the Leer mas
To Abombarse is the state of absolute fullness, in which you can no longer eat anymore, although this is not the whole meaning of Abombarse.
In the Dominican Republic, you are “Abombao” after having eaten or drunk a lot; when you are completely full or “about Leer mas
The word payola comes from the English verb “pay”, and is used to refer to the act of pressure on a company Leer mas
The word chapiadora comes directly from the term “chapeo”; which is originally from the northern Cibaeña region of the Dominican Republic and means “cut grass”.
Cadela is as the canine group animal is called in Portuguese, with four legs and especially cared for by people as pets or to Leer mas