Bebé Arcoíris
In English it means “The Rainbow Baby” and it is a term that refers to a baby born after the loss of another baby or previous pregnancy. This term has become very popular in popular culture and on social media and is used to describe a baby that brings hope and
Dioses aztecas
Dioses aztecas, Aztec gods in English Language, are supreme entities that ruled the worldview of the Mexican world and were part of the beliefs of this ancient indigenous tribe that lived in these areas.
The word Pascuas means Easter in English, and it refers to the celebration of the festivities at the time when it is remembered that Jesus, the son of God resurrected and saved the Jews, a tradition that extends and joy now overwhelms Christian hearts because they have the faithful conviction that Jesus died and resurrected for the whole world.
Mysticism is defined as a religious and philosophical doctrine that teaches immediate and direct communication between people and divinity. It also refers to the state of a person who is very devoted to God and spiritual things.
Miércoles de Ceniza
Miércoles de Ceniza (Ash Wednesday) is the first day of Lent in the Catholic liturgical calendar. The characteristic rite of this liturgical celebration is the imposition of the ashes obtained from the incineration of the branches blessed on Palm Sunday of the previous year.
Velas de Adviento
As a Christian tradition, Velas de Adviento (the Advent wreath) contains the four Advent candles. The candles represent the coming of Jesus as a symbolism of light in the darkness.
Adviento is a time of Christian preparation for the coming of Christ at Christmas. It is the beginning of the liturgical year in Western Christianity.
Coronas de adviento
Corona de Adviento (Advent wreath) is a Christian tradition that symbolizes the passing of the four weeks of Advent in the liturgical calendar of the Western Church. It is traditionally a Lutheran practice, although it has spread to many Christian communities.
This word refers to a demon that has the appearance of a man and has sexual relations with a woman.
1111 is the sequence of the number 1. In the spiritual sense, the number 1 is the one that carries more energy within itself, that is why, when you find yourself with this same number in repetition of 4 times, it means a new change in your life, a new stage.
What are chakras for?
The chakras or circles in Sanskrit are located in different parts of the body and represent the energy that exists in them. They are 7 energy centers with the ability to unite the mind with the body and thus promote the connection between the emotional, physical, spiritual and social.
Opening chakras is dangerous
When working directly on the chakras it is possible to awaken energies that are difficult to use and could cause problems, as this would be equivalent to the example of an individual who in his life has never run 20 kilometers and suddenly without the proper preparation makes the effort to run 100 kilometers.