The meaning of this number is usually the representation of joy, balance and peace.
It is also related to the word beginning and strength.
The number 111 is often related to love, luck and spirituality.
The number 1221 indicates that you have the necessary support and guidance for what you have in mind.
In numerology this is a mirror hour, 1414 symbolizes movement, new beginnings, progress, independence, relationships.
It is a number belonging to the angelic numerology that represents the manifestation of God as a divine call to holiness, or to be closer to the divine, for such reason it is known as the number of the saint.
Spiritual meaning of los cuervos
This bird has been linked on multiple occasions as a symbol of evil, the devil and darkness, so the spiritual significance of crows refers to their ability to communicate bad omens.
Spiritual Meaning of Lechuza Blanca
The spiritual meaning of Lechuza Blanca (white owl) is found in its relation to wisdom, mystery or even premonition of danger or evil, depending on the culture.
Mano de Fátima
The meaning of this amulet indicates power, strength and blessing. It is also used to protect against the evil eye.
Ojo turco
Ojo turco (The Turkish eye) is an amulet used as a protective element from the influences of bad energies.
Synonyms for Turkish eye
Hora espejo 11 11
In esotericism, mysticism and numerology the mirror hour 11 11 11 symbolizes strength, energy, creativity, and is associated with a new era
Hora espejo 13 13
The spiritual and numerological meaning of Mirror Hour 13 13:13 designates that your wish will finally be fulfilled.
Horas espejo
We speak of Horas espejo, “mirror hours” in English, when a figure or a number of hours is the same as that of the minutes, that is to say that they are repeated after the colon, being the most known: 11:11, 12:12, 20:20 and 00:00.