Hosanna is a word of Hebrew origin meaning ‘hail’. It is a term used in both Christian and Jewish liturgies and can be used as a greeting, an expression of acclamation or admiration, or as a request for mercy.
Hora espejo 12 12
The spiritual and numerological meaning of Mirror Hour 12 12 12 is that you vibrate in sync with a specific number and that your efforts will be successful.
Árbol de la vida
Generally its meaning refers to the cycle of life.
In the bible Benjamin literally means “Son of the right hand” and is referred to a symbol of virtue as well as “son of the right hand”, also understood as the favorite son.
Cómo leer el huevo (How to Read An Egg)
Ritually, the egg represents the creation of life, rebirth, resurrection, prosperity and wealth. In practically any home in the world there is this food, for this reason it is common that it is one of the most used ingredients for esoteric purposes.
Cartas del tarot
Cartas del tarot (Tarot cards in English) are decks of cards that are used to play with or with which it is possible to guess the future. This type of cartomancy would allow to interpret the past and the present, as well as to guess the future.
Numbers have always been in one way or another to be interpreted, therefore when a number is constantly repeated, it is undoubtedly taken as a sign and this has been so for thousands of years.
? is an emoji that is known as a “place of worship”, that is, it is related to churches, mosques, chapels and others that are used with a sacred character. It belongs to the category of religion of emojis and was released in 2015 to the …
A preceptos is a mandate or order issued by a higher entity . That is, it refers to a maxim promulgated by a Leer mas
Kai is a Hawaiian term that primarily designates the sea. In addition, this word appears as a very popular masculine name in this state and in other regions of the world.
Blu Jerusalema
Blu Jerusalema has been popularized because it is the name given to the daughter of Gian Lucca Viachi and Sharon Fonseca. The same character has confessed that the name is to refer to the sea of Jerusalem. From this perspective, the …
While this word is true, it is unusual in urban society, as its origin comes from an Aboriginal civilization residing Leer mas