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Definition of Taima

Taima! is a feminine noun that refers in general to any act, expression or word proper to the person who possesses the ability to deceive or to obtain a thing by trickery or any other similar means.

It also applies to some ignoble or offensive attitudes, such meanings can also be designated by picardía, malicia, astucia, malicia.


  1. Picardy.
  2. Malice.
  3. Cunning.
  4. Deceit.
  5. Time out.
  6. Cessation of some action.


The origin of this term goes back to the Galician “teima” which means obstinacy or theme, this in turn from the Latin “theme” which designates a subject or theme and this in turn from the Greek (thema).

Its use is very rare nowadays. It was widely used in the games of young people and children in the city and in games of chance for adults or to replace the absence for a moment. In this sense it is a degeneration of the English phrase “Time Out” which has the same meaning.

Its origin is also linked to the arrival of the Spaniards for whom it meant cunning or malice and derives from the Galician “teima”.


As a Creole expression coming from foreign expressions, the most important thing about it was not its correct pronunciation, but the respect it was given. In many countries such as Venezuela, during traditional games, if someone said “taima!” (time out) he/she entered a kind of protection against the action of those who, for example, were chasing him/her.