Verb that indicates the action of consuming or passing something to the digestive system. For example: Benito se traga la pastilla. (Benito swallows the pill).
It is said of when one thing absorbs or covers the other. An example would be: La ola se traga al surfista o El paño se tragó el agua. (The wave swallows the surfer or The cloth swallowed the water).
Person who is the object of someone’s deep infatuation, that is to say, who has him or her clouded or completely mad with love. For example: Mi traga es Diana, todo el día ando pensando en ella. (My swallow is Diana, all day I think about her).
Eating voraciously or overeating. For example: Mi esposo no come, sino que traga. (My husband does not eat, but swallows).
Synonymous with credulity or that someone took a deception or lie for truth . In this sense: Reina se traga ese cuento, ella siempre te cree. (Reina swallows that story, she always believes you).
A person who makes good effort in his studies, it can also be applied to the effort directed towards a purpose in other contexts. For example: Marcelo es un traga, se la pasa todo el día pegado a los libros. (Marcelo is a swallower, he spends all day glued to books).
- Eat
- Devour
- Absorb
- Loved
- Enchule
- Aficie
- Applied
- Nerd
- Brainiac
Swallow comes from the verb swallow which is of uncertain origin in the Spanish language . This word has a high polysemy in different Spanish-speaking areas and for this reason there is no clear trace of where it comes from. However, it is part of the colloquialisms and cultural words of many areas.
The main meaning is related to the verb eat although in an inappropriate way. However, there are many more applications, among which the use in Colombia stands out to denote a person who is very much in love with another.
“Maldita traga” is a song by the Colombian singer of popular music Yeison Jiménez. This song was released in 2019 as part of the album “Mi promesa”
“Isuzu swallows” is a small truck or pickup that is produced by Isuzu since 2018. This vehicle is one of the main competencies of the Mitsubishi L300 in Indonesia.