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Tú supiste

Definition of Tú supiste

Tú supiste is a phrase that is made up of two elements . The first, “you”, is the second person singular . The second , “tú supiste” is the simple past perfect of the verb to know , which is to have knowledge about something.

In this way, the phrase tú supiste, made up of these two words, indicates that a second person had some knowledge on a particular topic . It is a widely used expression in Spanish in different contexts and purposes.

If tú supiste how to love

Currently, if tú supiste is a phrase widely used in romantic conversations , between couples, or sentimental, between friends, in Spanish. This can be seen, for example, in the well-known phrase “tú supiste how to see the best of me.” This is a phrase that refers to the fact that the other person was able to know, from the beginning, your virtues and you are grateful for it.

If you did not know how to love , on the contrary, it would be the opposite, which can also be used for situations of heartbreak or abandonment. Luis Miguel’s well-known song “Now you can go” uses precisely this phrase in the chorus: if you didn’t know how to love now you can go char . Or you can also use the phrase “tú supiste how to hurt me” to express the pain of separation.

Tú supiste right?

Between backbiting or gossip between people, if tú supiste it is often used to start a sentence. In general, it is a discreet way to start a gossip, since it is assumed that the other person already knows what is about to be told.

In that sense, the phrase tú supiste, right? , is used a lot in ladies’ circles between 40-65 years, where gossip is widely practiced.

You with accent or without accent

Many times tú supiste is written with “you” without accent. However, according to the orthographic rules, when used you as a personal pronoun, ie, when used to refer to someone, they do lead tittle . In that sense, today’s phrase does carry the latter when referring to the person himself.

On the contrary, tú supiste it would be misspelled. This is because if it is used as a possessive adjective such as “your car” or “your bicileta”, it does not have an accent.