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Definition of Upracha

In Central America it is used to explicitly name the act s##xual. Normally, it is used in urban contexts and the music of those contexts uses it with some frequency.


  1. Copulation
  2. Act s##xual
  3. Dust


This term was born in the urban contexts of the Dominican Republic. There is no clear term of origin. However, the closest word is uprach from the Polish language which means “to touch” in Spanish. However, there is no evidence that these words have a relationship.

Although there is no clear trace of the origin of this word, its use is increasingly widespread. This is related to the worldwide rise of urban music that helps these types of terms to be used in places other than those of their context of origin.


Upracha, was used by Chamo Calle as the title for one of his music videos. This song is also known as “El Árabe Upracha”. It is a song that mixes street rhythms with melodies from the Middle East region.

For the Remix of the song El Árabe Upracha, the artists Químico Ultra Mega and Chimbala participated.