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Definition of Vulnerario

Vulnerario is a word that is closely related to the world of natural medicine and botany respectively. Next, we will show you what the meaning of Vulnerario is and what its etymological and historical origins are.

vulnerario is a substance of plant or natural origin that is used to heal cuts, rashes, burns, sores and other superficial wounds that may affect a person.

A vulnerario is usually a plant with healing properties that work by impacting the wound in various ways.

Depending on the plant applied, it can cause different types of healing effects on the wound, such as:

  • Astringent action : This healing effect dries the wound and favors early healing and healing of the skin.
  • Emollient : This action helps to deflate the affected area as it happens in the case of abscesses and eruptions, in addition to contributing to the cellular regeneration of said wounds.
  • Haemostatic : In the case of this property, the hemostatic action favors stopping bleeding in external hemorrhagic wounds.
  • Antiseptic : The Antiseptic function helps keep the wound free of bacteria and microbes that contribute to the formation of infections.

As additional information Vulneraria is also the name of a typical plant from Europe and parts of Africa where it is also used medicinally.

Some of the most popular vulnerarios are: Aloe-vera , Chamomile , Garlic and many others.

Vulnerario Origin

The origin of the word vulnerario comes from the Latin Vulnus which literally translated into Spanish means Wound.

Because of this, in ancient times, medicines and healing remedies made from plants and natural compounds received this name.